Know Your Rights Presentations

Know Your Rights is a series of presentations geared towards educating the public about the aspects of the American legal system that may not be easily accessible to Asian Pacific Islanders hailing from low-income and/or immigrant backgrounds. The information provided by this program is vital in ensuring that APIs are well-informed when faced with legal challenges.

The first Zoom-based Know Your Rights presentation, Immigration 101, occurred on April 13, 2022. This session focused on delivering an overview of the current American immigration system, immigration-related rights afforded to Asian Pacific Islanders, as well as ways in which these individuals can qualify for immigration relief.

Our latest Know Your Rights webinar was on March 29, 2023. In What You can Do to Help Stop Anti-Asian Hate, speakers from the Maryland State Attorney’s Office, the Montgomery County Police Department, and Vivian Adkins, a member of the APALRC’s legal team, offered important information on how to prevent anti-AAPI incidents from occurring, how to de-escalate and disengage from active hate incidents, and how to report hate incidents to the proper authorities.