The APALRC response to Executive Orders

January 31, 2017

By this point, most of you have heard about the actions taken under the auspices of anti-immigrant Executive Orders over the weekend regarding the travel ban against people from several predominantly Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa who should otherwise be lawfully admitted into the United States as visa holders or lawful permanent residents.

The Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center unequivocally condemns the actions taken by the administration against people who have every right to enter the United States and fully agrees with the statements made by NAPABA and SABA in condemning the Executive Orders, especially in that these Orders “represent a rejection of our core values as a country.”

If you or someone you know has been personally affected this, please do not hesitate to contact the Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center at (202) 393-3572, ext. 22. Even if we cannot represent you directly, we will do our best to find you an attorney who can take your case.


Press Releases

National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) and the South Asian Bar Association of North America (SABA)…/NAPABA-and-SABA-Condemn-Anti-Immigr…

Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC)…



Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) – Know Your Rights Guide for Those Denied Entry at the Airport

National Immigration Project – Tools to Defend Your Rights

Immigration Legal Resource Center – Know Your Rights and What Immigrant Families Should Do Now

Gilchrist  Immigrant Resource Center – Community Guide for Immigrant Residents of Montgomery County, MD