The United States Census

Please Note: The U.S. Census only happens once every ten years. This page is for the most recent census (2020), but the general information here applies to all future censuses, from 2030 onwards.

What is the 2020 Census?

You have probably heard a lot of confusing messages about the 2020 Census and are wondering where it stands. Why should I fill out the form? (Because it’s IMPORTANT!) Do I need to answer questions about my immigration status? (NO!) Is my personal information safe, and will it be kept confidential? (YES!)

Is the 2020 Census still happening despite the COVID-19 pandemic? (YES!)

Every ten years, the U.S. Census Bureau seeks to contact every person living in the United States to get an accurate count of the nation’s population. Census questionnaires are mailed to all U.S. households, and if they are not responded to – either by filling out the questionnaire online, by mail, or over the phone – a census worker visits the address to gather data through in-person interviews. 2020 Census questionnaires were mailed out in mid-March, and people initially had until late May 2020 to reply before a census worker would come knocking.  This timeline has been extended due to COVID-19, but the 2020 Census is already underway and you can reply now! See the link below for where you can reply online (with or without your mailed census ID number).

Why is the Census Important?

Each census response is a piece of a puzzle that, when completed, creates a picture of who we are as Americans, and how best the country’s resources can be shared among us. The census determines how the federal government funds and responds to the specific needs of your family and neighbors, like schools, hospitals, roads, and community centers. It determines how many seats a state has in the House of Representatives, and as a result, how your community’s voice is heard by policymakers in Congress.

The U.S. Census is an opportunity for the government to accurately count Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities, and appropriately allocate resources and services. Without this data, we have seen that it is too easy for swaths of our community to go unseen and uncounted. An accurate count of our community in the census is necessary if government services are to be provided to our people, and decision makers are to understand our importance. For more comprehensive resources related to the 2020 Census, please visit our partner, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, on their website at:

See also the following videos made by another community partner, Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote:











How do I make sure my family is counted?

Complete your form now! (you can take it with or without your mailed census ID number): www.2020

  • It’s quick and easy. The 2020 Census questionnaire will only take around 10 minutes to complete.
  • It’s safe, secure, and confidential. Your information and privacy are protected.

Tips for Success:

  • You must complete your questionnaire once you begin. If you leave the questionnaire and return later, you will have to start over.
  • Do not use the web browser buttons (back, forward, or close browser). Use the buttons within the questionnaire to navigate.
  • For best results, use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari. Enable cookies.